Having lived in Finland for almost five years, we are now moving back to England. I've heard much about reverse culture shock and I'm expecting our return to be as challenging as moving to Finland was, if not more. It's helpful to find things to be positive about, so this is where I'm sharing all the things we forgot we liked about our homeland but have suddenly remembered again.
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Fresh air and exercise
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Sunday afternoon drive
It's been a very pleasant weekend. Yesterday, we went down the beach and had a coffee and scone and a bit of a walk along the foreshore. Today, we've been for a drive over the moors. It was very pretty up there and we stopped in one of my favourite places for a walk but I'd forgotten how steep it was and I couldn't get down into the village. It was nice to stand at the top of the cliff and look up and down the coast.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
I've succumbed!
It's no secret that I'm not a fan of Christmas. I know Christians are supposed to be all into the reason for the season but for a whole host of reasons, I just don't like Christmas.
Obviously at school I have to pretend to be into it for the kids. At home, mine are old enough to make their own decisions and I did ask whether they wanted to decorate the house but Josh didn't seem fussed either.
This afternoon, we had a lovely visit to Thornton-le-Dale and then went into Dalby Forest for a walk and a drive. That's when it happened...
Neil got all distracted by the real Christmas trees and suddenly wanted one. After discussions about pine needles in July, lack of space, etc, he pulled the line about making the house smell of Finland/forests and I fell for it.
Several hours later, with more pine needles in my hands than on the floor, it's up and decorated. I've failed in my Scroogism and will have to eat a double portion of bah humbugs.