Sunday, 28 July 2013

Victoria Sandwich Cake

Food has been a constant source of conversation since we moved to Finland. There have been several unobtainables, which we demand of guests in return for their keep and some things that we have to motivate ourselves to reproduce. One of Josh's culinary talents is his cake-making. He rarely uses an electric mixer, preferring to beat by hand. The result is always perfectly light and fluffy, making the traditional English Victoria sponge a regular treat.

Now we know we are moving back for the real thing, we decided to experiment a little with a two-tone version, for which the patent is pending (likely to be refused), called the 'Joshua Sponge Cake'. Basically it appears to have a split personality!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Lots of good news!

I'm back at home in Finland, so I can't get appropriate photos to support this post. However, on Monday, Andy had an interview and OJE (bet you don't know what that is!) at McDonald's. I thought he'd done well just to get the interview, given that every job seems to have hundreds of applicants. On Tuesday though, he found out he'd got the job! So proud of him! He applied for so many posts and never gave up and it's paid off. He starts next week. I just wish I could be there for his first day. Feel like I've deserted him.

Neil went to England on Wednesday and had an interview today. He wasn't giving much away when I spoke to him just after the interview but it must have gone well because he got the job too!

All good things are said to come in threes, so I should have been expecting the next one... Josh wafted in his teenage manner into the fridge and informed me that the results are out. He's not even 18 yet and he's half way through his degree. I think that's an achievement on its own but he's got 91% on his OU maths exam and 84% on the Java paper. I can't believe it! Of course, he's a trifle gutted with the 84% because 85 is a 1st or distinction. Even though his course average was in the 90s, he still had to get 85 on the exam to get an overall distinction. When he went on the course Facebook page, he found a soul-mate to commiserate with.

So good news all round - well, except me - but I'm a wife and a mum so I don't really need my own separate good news. I'm happier that my boys have had a successful week and I've just had a nice sauna. Mmmmmm!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


I love rollercoasters! One of the highlights of my year used to be our annual trip to Lightwater Valley. The Ultimate was the best! I doubt that I'll be able to go on it again. I can't imagine the pain it would cause, rattling along as it does, shaking my back up. I think my rollercoaster days are over - physically, at least.
The last year has been an emotional rollercoaster. I haven't enjoyed that anywhere near as much as a real one. Even as I sit here in my favourite place at the airport (not that I like airports much) I'm excited about seeing Neil and Josh, sad that I've just left Andy and uncertain about what the future holds. It's at times like this, I'm glad I'm a Christian. When life is a rollercoaster, there's a God who loves us and has everything under control.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Despicable Me 2

If you want to see a film that is funny without needing to concentrate too hard, then this is the one. We went to a tiny weeny cinema to see it. The seats were enormous though!

One nice thing is that there were no subtitles... 
not Finnish, nor Swedish. Just a whole screen of film. Nice!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Found a house

Today has been an exciting and busy day! Andy had appointments to open new bank accounts and to get his National Insurance number, both of which are now sorted. We also went to the estate agent to fill in all the paperwork for what we hope will be our new home. It isn't signed and delivered but the owners have agreed to us taking it and we're hoping there won't be any problems.

It's a dormer bungalow in a village just outside town. I like the gardens, which are clean, tidy and simple. Unlike most of the town, this estate is completely flat - handy for me. Andy and I went back for a second look yesterday, just to be sure. It's hard to be 100% sure when Neil and Josh haven't seen it but I think they will both like the place. 

So that's work sorted (for me, at least), a house sorted... now I'm thinking about a car.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Lost - brain cells

Where did today go? I spent the entire morning on the phone to school, estate agents, Neil and I can't remember who else.

After lunch, we went into town and sorted out a few things and I forgot to buy a new tube of toothpaste.

This evening, we sat quietly and caught up with some work. Andy did a maths test that they gave him on his sixth form induction day. Then I suddenly remembered that we needed milk and toothpaste, so we walked to Sainsbury's... bought milk... and forgot toothpaste! Agh!

Hope my brain cells are back with me tomorrow. I'm going into school to find out what my job will be and meet the teachers I'll be covering for.

Saturday, 6 July 2013


We've had disappointingly hot weather today and I've mainly been trying to hibernate. This evening, though, we went to my auntie's house for a barbecue. The food was fantastic - lots of different meats. Pudding was lovely too.

Friday, 5 July 2013

New school

Well, after various interviews, ummings and aahings, September is now sorted. I'm going to be teaching 4 days a week to cover management release time at my old primary school. Even though I really wanted full-time, I'm really excited about being able to give something back to the school that gave me so much as a child.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Preparing for interview

Yesterday morning, Andy and I went to the beach to get some photos for a lesson I have to teach as part of my interview. While we were there, we saw a sign that reminded me of a day, many years ago, when I got stranded on the beach. It was so scary and I ended up having to climb part way up the cliff to avoid being swept away by the sea. Thankfully, it wasn't a rough day and I escaped with wet feet.